Welcome To MetroRock Littleton!
New to the sport? You've come to the right place! We offer a variety of options for budding climbers!
First things first - we need a waiver for every person entering the facility, including spectators. For those under age 18 this means we need a waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian. If a parent won't be accompanying their child, please complete the waiver in advance for your child!
How It Works
If you have no previous experience you can walk in anytime and get Day Passes- no reservations required! Our staff will provide a detailed orientation on how to use our bouldering areas and autobelays. All the gear you'll need is available for rent upon check in!
Day Passes can be purchased any time at the front desk upon arrival. These passes allow you access to the facility from the time of purchase until we close that day. You can even leave for lunch, and then come back to do some more climbing after!
Bouldering is a type of climbing that is done on shorter walls without the use of ropes. The goal is to reach a designated finish hold. Thick gymnastics mats are placed below the climber so they have a cushy landing when they jump down. Top outs are permitted only on the central boulder where a down-climbing route is provided.
Autobelays are installed throughout the gym and allow climbers without rope handling experience to use our tall walls! After a quick tutorial by one of our staff, you will be able to climb up as high as you are able, then be gently lowered to the ground by the automatic braking system. There is a minimum weight requirement of 35lbs and a maximum of 330lbs to use the autobelays.
There is no minimum age to climb in our facility— kids of all ages are welcome! All children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult that is able to provide direct supervision. We require supervision in a 1:5 ratio of adult to climbers.
Before arriving at our facility, please take a moment to review our policies!